Idea of the Month:
E-blasts – Systemize them!

Seasoned marketing experts rank newsletters/e-blasts as one of the most effective techniques for imaging/awareness building, new client acquisition, and client retention. Why?
- Targeting: You can build a database of your known contacts — current and past clients, business contacts and other referral sources, and prospective clients who may need your services. This “targeted marketing” can be highly effective vs. “shotgun marketing” which is trying to immerse the marketplace with your message but typically wastes money.
- Lower cost vs. many other digital options: Newsletters/e-blasts are one of the least expensive methods to directly reach your audience.
- Frequent views: Did you know that over 90% of business owners and individual consumers check their email at least once a day, most doing it several times a day? This means that your newsletters/e-blasts will have an opportunity to gain a quick review and potential response.
These are just a few of the reasons why newsletters are so effective (learn more).
So, what is stopping you?
Many firms never get e-newsletters out of the concept stage, or only manage to get 1-2 issues done, because the process is too difficult for them. Don’t let this stop you!
At The Specialists in CPA Marketing, we offer a system to get e-blasts developed and distributed regularly! We make the process easy!
Our assistance includes:
- Content development, including copywriting and photos/images
- Support in database development
- Distribution to your targeted lists
- Posting to your website and social media
- Compliance with Federal CAN-SPAM requirements
- Post-distribution sales programs
Learn more – see our article on “How to Get an Electronic Newsletter Up and Going Without Losing Your Mind“ as published in “Big News for Small Firms,” The Magazine of the Solo and Small Firm section of the California State Bar Association, reprinted with permission.
Interested? Contact us to discuss how we can help you. Reach out to the experts at The Specialists in CPA Marketing.