Idea of the Month:

Strategic Marketing Plans

marketing strategy


Wow, what a crazy tax season!  After an intense almost half-year of client service, marketing can now come back to the forefront. Before launching into your marketing efforts, it is important to have effective strategies in place.  So, how should you go about it?

Far too many CPA firms jump into the marketing process without a clear vision and understanding of what they want to achieve and how they are going to accomplish it.  The result can be massively wasted time and money, as well as lack of achieving marketing results.  What you need is a Strategic Marketing Plan,” providing specific direction and a method to measure and control your efforts.

The Specialists in CPA Marketing has developed hundreds of Strategic Marketing Plans for our clients, and we can help you, too.  Through our unique process, clients are able to improve the effectiveness of their marketing efforts, while appropriately managing the use of human and financial resources. Our goal is to help you work smarter, not harder. Interested? Contact the experts at The Specialists in CPA Marketing.