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The Specialists in CPA Marketing
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December 2019

Preparing for Marketing Success
in 2020

Six Key Steps

Marketing Success

Managing your firm is always a challenging task. Whether your most pressing issues are personnel, work-in-process, client concerns, vendor relations or finances, it seems like there is always something that keeps your schedule full, right? With all of these consuming functional areas of your day-to-day work, marketing can often be set aside until you "have some time to do it" which often is far too little time needed to do it right.

Unfortunately, even with a strong economy, neglecting marketing can dramatically affect your firm's revenues. Recently, I met with a client who confessed that the above scenario was directly on-point to his firm's situation. The firm had been very busy for months but failed to do any marketing. As a result, revenues had not only flat-lined but unless something changed quickly, he was going to face financial cutbacks.

Likely you've heard the same story from your colleagues, some of whom had to "close shop" or join another firm in order to survive. You know that you need to avoid this scenario but aren't sure exactly what to do to stay out of it. So, looking toward 2020, what marketing steps can your firm do to help make it a success?


Social Media

Service Profile of the Month

Social Media

Social media has become a necessity in online marketing for most firms. Whether your firm has ever used social media or you are looking to make full use of the platforms you already have, The Specialists in CPA Marketing provides expertise in strategically planning your social media campaign and knowing just what to do for your needs.

Strategic Guidance

It is relatively easy to be "busy" in social media — but much more difficult to be productive. This is where strategic planning is crucial. Our approach is that strategy is essential to success in social media marketing. The Specialists in CPA Marketing can help clients with:

  • Developing goals
  • Evaluating target markets and developing contacts
  • Positioning products or services
  • Building brand awareness and positive perceptions
  • Selection of the correct social media platforms
  • Creating a comprehensive campaign to consistently reach your audience
  • Developing metrics to track results

Consistent Implementation

Your firm cannot just create social media accounts and expect returns. The key is to be active posting relevant content throughout the year, which will help contacts become more aware of your brand. This in turn can create potential clients who can easily share your firm with others. The Specialists in CPA Marketing's process includes:

  • Plan/calendarize for regular posts
  • Draft text content that is customizable to each platform as needed
  • Create/procure graphic imagery as needed per various platforms
  • Handle all details of posts
  • Interactivity: Liking, commenting and sharing.
  • Tools to drive traffic back to your website and boost your search rankings in Google

Need Assistance?
With over 25 years of experience serving hundreds of firms, The Specialists in CPA Marketing has the expertise that your firm needs. Contact us to discuss your needs and for an estimate.

Speaking Engagements

Does your organization need a speaker for an event in 2020? If so, contact us and to see if Mr. Brown is available. Topics include:

  • Marketing Strategy
  • Internet/Digital Marketing
  • Business Development
  • Branding
  • Advertising, Publicity and Public Relations

Specialists in CPA Marketing
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